
Windows8 16 in 1 full activated incl activator

Windows8 16 in 1 (x86/x64) incl Activator
x86 (32-bit)
Windows 8 x86

Windows 8 N x86

Windows 8 Pro x86

Windows 8 Pro VL x86

Windows 8 Pro N x86

Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x86

Windows 8 Enterprise x86

Windows 8 Enterprise N x86

x64 (64-bit)

Windows 8 x64

Windows 8 N x64

Windows 8 Pro x64

Windows 8 Pro VL x64

Windows 8 Pro N x64

Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x64

Windows 8 Enterprise x64

Windows 8 Enterprise N x64

Screen Shots:-

How To Use:

Use PowerISO to Burn it on a DVD5 or use USB
Install Windows 8

NOTE: RAR and Archive Password is "kiranmaji"

Download Windows8 16 in 1.iso here:
Full Version

1 Response to "Windows8 16 in 1 full activated incl activator"

NOTE: All links & Software's are educational purpose only. After trying or testing please buy the Original software.
